Welcome Coach Grabber!

St. John Paul II is excited to announce the promotion of Ms. Brianna Grabber!  Since 2018, St. John Paul II has offered Girls Volleyball. Today, we are excited to announce that Coach Grabber, our former JV Girls Volleyball Head Coach since 2023, has been promoted as the Girls Volleyball Varsity Head Coach. This decision of the Athletic Department comes with a vision that aligns with the St. John Paul II Mission Statement as well as a focus on community and player development. 

Coach Grabber’s previous experience as the JV Head Coach will serve her well as she begins her new role. 

“I am excited to begin my first year as Head Coach of the JP2 Varsity Girls Volleyball Team and am looking forward to continuing helping these girls grow and develop as athletes and as young women. I am excited to instill an environment and culture with a hard working mentality where the girls can learn and grow together as a team. I am eager to start the indoor season as well as getting to know all of the girls and their families—Go Lions!”

Mr. Steven Sanchez said, “If you know Brianna, you know that she has a passion for the sport of volleyball along with a desire to build a competitive and thriving program!  She is currently the Beach Volleyball Head Coach for JP2 and has built that program from the ground up.  This experience as a head coach will help Coach Grabber build upon the indoor program’s success, and I am happy that she has accepted the position of Head Volleyball Coach!”

Families and friends of St. John Paul II can support the Girls Volleyball Program by keeping Coach Grabber and the future staff in their prayers, supporting the team and all athletic programs at St. John Paul II.